Source code for dlk.core.imodels.basic

# Copyright 2021 cstsunfu. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from logging import PercentStyle
import hjson
from typing import Dict, Union, Callable, List
import torch
from dlk.core.models import model_register, model_config_register
from dlk.core.optimizers import optimizer_register, optimizer_config_register
from dlk.core.schedulers import scheduler_register, scheduler_config_register
from dlk.core.losses import loss_register, loss_config_register
from import postprocessor_register, postprocessor_config_register
from dlk.utils.config import BaseConfig, ConfigTool
from . import imodel_config_register, imodel_register, GatherOutputMixin
from dlk.utils.logger import Logger
from functools import lru_cache
import copy
logger = Logger.get_logger()

import pytorch_lightning as pl

[docs]@imodel_config_register('basic') class BasicIModelConfig(BaseConfig): """ basic imodel config will provide all the config for model/optimizer/loss/scheduler/postprocess """ def __init__(self, config: Dict): super(BasicIModelConfig, self).__init__(config) self.model, self.model_config = self.get_model(config.pop("model")) self.loss, self.loss_config = self.get_loss(config.pop("loss")) self.optimizer, self.optimizer_config = self.get_optimizer(config.pop("optimizer", 'adamw')) self.scheduler, self.scheduler_config = self.get_scheduler(config.pop("scheduler", "basic")) self.postprocess, self.postprocess_config = self.get_postprocessor(config.pop("postprocessor", 'identity')) self.config = config.pop('config', {})
[docs] def get_postprocessor(self, config: Dict): """Use config to init the postprocessor Args: config: postprocess config Returns: PostProcess, PostProcessConfig """ return ConfigTool.get_leaf_module(postprocessor_register, postprocessor_config_register, 'postprocessor', config)
[docs] def get_model(self, config: Dict): """Use config to init the model Args: config: model config Returns: Model, ModelConfig """ return ConfigTool.get_leaf_module(model_register, model_config_register, "model", config)
[docs] def get_loss(self, config: Dict): """Use config to init the loss Args: config: loss config Returns: Loss, LossConfig """ return ConfigTool.get_leaf_module(loss_register, loss_config_register, "loss", config)
[docs] def get_optimizer(self, config: Dict): """Use config to init the optimizer Args: config: optimizer config Returns: Optimizer, OptimizerConfig """ return ConfigTool.get_leaf_module(optimizer_register, optimizer_config_register, "optimizer", config)
[docs] def get_scheduler(self, config: Dict): """Use config to init the scheduler Args: config: scheduler config Returns: Scheduler, SchedulerConfig """ return ConfigTool.get_leaf_module(scheduler_register, scheduler_config_register, "scheduler", config)
[docs]@imodel_register("basic") class BasicIModel(pl.LightningModule, GatherOutputMixin): """ """ def __init__(self, config: BasicIModelConfig, checkpoint=False): """ init all modules except scheduler which requires the information from datamodule(training steps and every epoch steps) """ super().__init__() self.config = config # scheduler will init in configure_optimizers, because it will use the datamodule info self.model = config.model(config.model_config, checkpoint) self.calc_loss = config.loss(config.loss_config) self.get_optimizer = config.optimizer(model=self.model, config=config.optimizer_config) self._origin_valid_data = None self._origin_test_data = None self.postprocessor = config.postprocess(config.postprocess_config) self.gather_data: Dict = copy.deepcopy(config.postprocess_config.input_map) self.gather_data.update(config.postprocess_config.predict_extend_return)
[docs] def get_progress_bar_dict(self): """rewrite the prograss_bar_dict, remove the 'v_num' which we don't need Returns: progress_bar dict """ tqdm_dict = super().get_progress_bar_dict() tqdm_dict.pop("v_num", None) return tqdm_dict
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor])->Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """do forward on a mini batch Args: batch: a mini batch inputs Returns: the outputs """ return self.model(inputs)
[docs] def training_step(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int): """do training_step on a mini batch Args: batch: a mini batch inputs batch_idx: the index(dataloader) of the mini batch Returns: the outputs """ result = self.model.training_step(batch) loss = self.calc_loss(result, batch, rt_config={ "current_step": self.global_step, "current_epoch": self.current_epoch, "total_steps": self.num_training_steps, "total_epochs": self.num_training_epochs }) self.log_dict({"train_loss": loss.unsqueeze(0)}, prog_bar=True) return loss
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int)->Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """do validation on a mini batch The outputs only gather the keys in self.gather_data.keys for postprocess Args: batch: a mini batch inputs batch_idx: the index(dataloader) of the mini batch Returns: the outputs """ result = self.model.validation_step(batch) loss = self.calc_loss(result, batch, rt_config={ # align with training step "current_step": self.global_step, "current_epoch": self.current_epoch, "total_steps": self.num_training_steps, "total_epochs": self.num_training_epochs }) gather_column = list(self.gather_data.keys()) return_result = {"loss": loss.unsqueeze(0)} # this loss will be used in postprocess for column in gather_column: column = self.gather_data[column] if column in result: return_result[column] = result[column] return_result['_index'] = batch['_index'] return return_result
[docs] def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs: List[Dict])->List[Dict]: """Gather the outputs of all node and do postprocess on it. The outputs only gather the keys in self.gather_data.keys for postprocess Args: outputs: current node returnd output list Returns: all node outputs """ outputs = self.gather_outputs(outputs) self.log_dict( self.postprocessor(stage='valid', list_batch_outputs=outputs, origin_data=self._origin_valid_data, rt_config={ "current_step": self.global_step, "current_epoch": self.current_epoch, "total_steps": self.num_training_steps, "total_epochs": self.num_training_epochs }), prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) return outputs
[docs] def test_step(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int)->Dict: """do test on a mini batch The outputs only gather the keys in self.gather_data.keys for postprocess Args: batch: a mini batch inputs batch_idx: the index(dataloader) of the mini batch Returns: the outputs """ result = self.model.test_step(batch) loss = self.calc_loss(result, batch, rt_config={ # align with training step "current_step": self.global_step, "current_epoch": self.current_epoch, "total_steps": self.num_training_steps, "total_epochs": self.num_training_epochs }) gather_column = list(self.gather_data.keys()) return_result = {"loss": loss.unsqueeze(0)} # this loss will use in postprocess for column in gather_column: if column in result: return_result[column] = result[column] return_result['_index'] = batch['_index'] return return_result
[docs] def test_epoch_end(self, outputs: List[Dict])->List[Dict]: """Gather the outputs of all node and do postprocess on it. Args: outputs: current node returnd output list Returns: all node outputs """ outputs = self.gather_outputs(outputs) self.log_dict( self.postprocessor(stage='test', list_batch_outputs=outputs, origin_data=self._origin_test_data, rt_config={ "current_step": self.global_step, "current_epoch": self.current_epoch, "total_steps": self.num_training_steps, "total_epochs": self.num_training_epochs }), prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) return outputs
[docs] def predict_step(self, batch: Dict, batch_idx: int)->Dict: """do predict on a mini batch Args: batch: a mini batch inputs batch_idx: the index(dataloader) of the mini batch Returns: the outputs """ result = self.model.predict_step(batch) gather_column = list(self.gather_data.keys()) return_result = {} for column in gather_column: column = self.gather_data[column] if column in result: return_result[column] = result[column] return_result['_index'] = batch['_index'] return return_result
@property @lru_cache(maxsize=5) # the size should always == 1 def num_training_epochs(self) -> int: """Total training epochs inferred from datamodule and devices. """ return self.trainer.max_epochs @property @lru_cache(maxsize=5) # the size should always == 1 def epoch_training_steps(self) -> int: """every epoch training steps inferred from datamodule and devices. """ if self.trainer.datamodule.train_dataloader() is None: batches = 0 else: batches = len(self.trainer.datamodule.train_dataloader()) return batches @property @lru_cache(maxsize=5) # the size should always == 1 def num_training_steps(self) -> int: """Total training steps inferred from datamodule and devices. """ # FIXIT: should check update # # PATCH: if self.trainer.max_steps != -1: return self.trainer.max_steps limit_batches = self.trainer.limit_train_batches if self.trainer.datamodule.train_dataloader() is None: batches = 0 else: batches = len(self.trainer.datamodule.train_dataloader()) batches = min(batches, limit_batches) if isinstance(limit_batches, int) else int(limit_batches * batches) num_devices = max(1, self.trainer.devices) if self.trainer.num_devices: num_devices = max(num_devices, self.trainer.num_devices) effective_accum = self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches * num_devices return (batches // effective_accum + (1 if batches%effective_accum else 0)) * self.trainer.max_epochs
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): """Configure the optimizer and scheduler """ self.calc_loss.update_config(rt_config={ "total_steps": self.num_training_steps, "total_epochs": self.num_training_epochs }) optimizer = self.get_optimizer() if "num_training_steps" in self.config.scheduler_config.__dict__: self.config.scheduler_config.num_training_steps = self.num_training_steps if "epoch_training_steps" in self.config.scheduler_config.__dict__: self.config.scheduler_config.epoch_training_steps = self.epoch_training_steps if "num_training_epochs" in self.config.scheduler_config.__dict__: self.config.scheduler_config.num_training_epochs = self.num_training_epochs # self.config.scheduler_config.last_epoch = -1 scheduler = self.config.scheduler(optimizer, self.config.scheduler_config)() return { "optimizer": optimizer, "lr_scheduler": { "scheduler": scheduler, "interval": "step", "frequency": 1 } }