dlk.data.processors package


dlk.data.processors.basic module

class dlk.data.processors.basic.BasicProcessor(stage: str, config: dlk.data.processors.basic.BasicProcessorConfig)[source]

Bases: dlk.data.processors.IProcessor

Basic and General Processor

process(data: Dict) Dict[source]

Process entry

  • data

  • { (>>>) –

  • "data" (>>>) – {“train”: …},

  • "tokenizer" (>>>) –

  • } (>>>) –


processed data

class dlk.data.processors.basic.BasicProcessorConfig(stage, config: Dict)[source]

Bases: dlk.utils.config.BaseConfig

Config for BasicProcessor

Config Example:
>>> {
>>>     // input should be {"train": train, "valid": valid, ...}, train/valid/test/predict/online etc, should be dataframe and must have a column named "sentence"
>>>     "_name": "basic@test_text_cls",
>>>     "config": {
>>>         "feed_order": ["load", "tokenizer", "token_gather", "label_to_id", "token_embedding", "save"]
>>>     },
>>>     "subprocessor@load": {
>>>         "_base": "load",
>>>         "config":{
>>>             "base_dir": "",
>>>             "predict":{
>>>                 "meta": "./meta.pkl",
>>>             },
>>>             "online": [
>>>                 "predict", //base predict
>>>                 {   // special config, update predict, is this case, the config is null, means use all config from "predict", when this is empty dict, you can only set the value to a str "predict", they will get the same result
>>>                 }
>>>             ]
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     "subprocessor@save": {
>>>         "_base": "save",
>>>         "config":{
>>>             "base_dir": "",
>>>             "train":{
>>>                 "processed": "processed_data.pkl", // all data
>>>                 "meta": {
>>>                     "meta.pkl": ['label_vocab'] //only for next time use
>>>                 }
>>>             },
>>>             "predict": {
>>>                 "processed": "processed_data.pkl",
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     "subprocessor@tokenizer":{
>>>         "_base": "fast_tokenizer",
>>>         "config": {
>>>             "train": {
>>>                 "config_path": "*@*",
>>>                 "prefix": ""
>>>                 "data_type": "single", // single or pair, if not provide, will calc by len(process_data)
>>>                 "process_data": [
>>>                     ["sentence", { "is_pretokenized": false}],
>>>                 ],
>>>                 "post_processor": "default"
>>>                 "filed_map": { // this is the default value, you can provide other name
>>>                     "ids": "input_ids",
>>>                 }, // the tokenizer output(the key) map to the value
>>>             },
>>>             "predict": "train",
>>>             "online": "train"
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     "subprocessor@token_gather":{
>>>         "_base": "token_gather",
>>>         "config": {
>>>             "train": { // only train stage using
>>>                 "data_set": {      // for different stage, this processor will process different part of data
>>>                     "train": ["train", "valid"]
>>>                 },
>>>                 "gather_columns": ["label"], //List of columns. Every cell must be sigle token or list of tokens or set of tokens
>>>                 "deliver": "label_vocab", // output Vocabulary object (the Vocabulary of labels) name.
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     "subprocessor@label_to_id":{
>>>         "_base": "token2id",
>>>         "config": {
>>>             "train":{ //train、predict、online stage config,  using '&' split all stages
>>>                 "data_pair": {
>>>                     "label": "label_id"
>>>                 },
>>>                 "data_set": {                   // for different stage, this processor will process different part of data
>>>                     "train": ['train', 'valid', 'test'],
>>>                     "predict": ['predict'],
>>>                     "online": ['online']
>>>                 },
>>>                 "vocab": "label_vocab", // usually provided by the "token_gather" module
>>>             }, //3
>>>             "predict": "train",
>>>             "online": "train",
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>>     "subprocessor@token_embedding": {
>>>         "_base": "token_embedding",
>>>         "config":{
>>>             "train": { // only train stage using
>>>                 "embedding_file": "*@*",
>>>                 "tokenizer": "*@*", //List of columns. Every cell must be sigle token or list of tokens or set of tokens
>>>                 "deliver": "token_embedding", // output Vocabulary object (the Vocabulary of labels) name.
>>>                 "embedding_size": 200,
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     },
>>> }

Module contents


class dlk.data.processors.IProcessor[source]

Bases: object

docstring for IProcessor

abstract process(data: Dict) Dict[source]

Process entry

  • data

  • { (>>>) –

  • "data" (>>>) – {“train”: …},

  • "tokenizer" (>>>) –

  • } (>>>) –


processed data

dlk.data.processors.import_processors(processors_dir, namespace)[source]